
Advance Certificate in Maritime Business, MAR-EVA

Advance Certificate in Maritime Business, MAR-EVA


The Advance Certificate in Maritime Business (MAREVA), is a significant step towards promoting the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by providing free online education in maritime business, by promoting education and gender equality and empowering individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the maritime industry, thereby fostering economic growth and sustainability.

Purpose: The MAREVA Course aims to provide essential shipping knowledge necessary for initiating a career in the maritime industry. It targets underprivileged and disadvantaged women, and on these grounds it's open to any woman worldwide, regardless of background, age, or life stage.

Accessibility: By being an online course, it removes barriers to entry for individuals who may not have access to traditional education or face constraints due to their circumstances. This aligns with the principle of inclusivity, a crucial aspect of achieving the SDGs.

Content: The course curriculum covers essential aspects of the shipping industry comprehensively. Participants gain practical knowledge that they can apply directly to real-world scenarios. Top women managers, entrepreneurs and academics are delivering the modules free of charge.  This practical approach enhances their understanding and prepares them to navigate challenges in the maritime business.

Managerial Skills Development: In addition to providing knowledge about the shipping industry, the course focuses on developing participants' managerial skills. This aspect is vital for empowering individuals to take on leadership roles and capitalize on opportunities within the maritime sector.

Language: The course is conducted and assessed in English, making it accessible to a broader audience globally. Proficiency in English is crucial in the maritime industry, given its international nature, and providing the course in English ensures that participants are equipped with the necessary language skills.


1. --- The course is offered at no cost to those eligible. Do not add the course on your chart. You must apply for the course only if you are eligible . Check out the course requirements to find out if you are eligible. 

2. --- Important dates for entry 2025-2026

  • 100 places available for 2025-26
  • starts on the 31st of October 2025
  • deadline for applications: 10th of September 2025
  Supporters: Minoan Lines, The Swedish Club, RINA, Total Marine Solutions, Chios Marine Club, ELNAVI,  WISTA Hellas, TradeMaker Magazine and Women on Top.
Upon completion the participant will be able to:
  • Acquire solid and fundamental shipping knowledge;
  • Understand the dynamics and drivers of the shipping market;
  • Develop hands on knowledge on core concepts of economic and maritime business environment as well as the fundamental principles of the law governing the carriage of goods by sea;
  • Confidently choose specialization in shipping;
  • Have developed knowledge and skill in order to develop a successful career in shipping.
  1. Ship & Shipping Business (compulsory module)
  2. Shipping Management (compulsory module)
  3. Maritime Economics (compulsory module)
  4. Carriage of Goods by Sea (compulsory module)
  5. Optional Module 1
  6. Optional Module 2
Participants choose 2 modules from the below modules: Optional Modules 
  1. Shipping Finance
  2. Shipping Law & the Law of the Sea
  3. Port Management
  4. Marine Insurance
  5. Shipping Logistics
  6. Short Sea Shipping
  7. Maritime Environemntal Regualations
  • 6 Module Handbooks
  • Check your Knowledge Questions
  • Quiz exam questions;
  • Course Administrator;
  • Course Instructors, top shipping practitioners that offered their knowledge and expertise free of charge; and
  • Advisory Committee, composed by top women professionals globally.
plus pass it on and sustainabilty tasks and experiences

Yunoniia Khussein

Operations Manager at Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG

Kit Lim

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) & Leaderdship

Valerie Cannon

Marine Environment
Environmental Regulatory Manager for Total Marine Solutions

Leslie Mezzich

Managing Director
Global Maritime Consultants Group (GMCG) Singapore

ꝉ Ass. Professor Eva Stefanidaki

Short Sea Shipping
Assistant Professor at Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport - University of the Aegean

    Dorothea Ioannou

    CEO Shipowners Claims Bureau | Deputy Chief Operating Officer at The American P&I

    Maria Belen Espineira

    Carriage of Goods by Sea
    Abogada Maritimista - P&I Correspondent

    Stine Mundal

    Ship Classification
    Key Account Manager at DNV

    Peg Buchan

    Assistant Port Director Port Everglades

    Wendy Jaramillo

    Shipping Business
    Technical Project Manager at APM Terminals

    Pallavi Sidhra

    Carriage of Goods by Sea
    Business Development Director at Voyager Worldwide

    Nilsu Yildiz Hazer

    Admirlty Law
    Founding Lawyer, Yıldız Legal Avukatlık Bürosu

    Heather Kostecki

    Shipping Business

      Ecem Kalkavan Çubukçu

      Liner Shipping
      General Manager at Turkon Logistics Group

      Seren Sepmaz

      Admiralty Law
      Attorney at Sapmaz Law Firm

      Professor Maria Lekakou

      Short Sea Shipping
      Dean at Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport - University of the Aegean

      Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou

      Information Technology
      President at Electricity Authority of Cyprus | CEO Tototheo Maritime | President WISTA International

      Catrien Scheers

      Logistics & Freight Forwarding
      Chair, Fast Lines

      Akrivi Brikou

      Shipping Finance
      Financial Officer, Efshipping Co SA

      Anna Silva

      Operations Supervisor at Port Everglades

      Despina Kalfa

      Marine Insurance
      GM at Aries Marine Insurance Brokers

      Dr. Katerina Konsta

      • For all our courses there are no fixed course start dates. You can start your course ANYTIME, from ANYWHERE adapting the duration of the course to your needs.
        •  MAR-EVA is an excpetion. The course is delivered on an annual basis and it starts on the 31 of October. 
      • The deadline for the applications of the running year is the 15th of October.
      • Duration
        • The suggested duration for MAR-EVA in order to enjoy the course and be able to fully digest what you learn is 8 months. Still, if you are nto working you can do the course in 6 months. All depends on the time you will spend per week.
        • To make sure that you are supported and you are given the maximum possible time to attend, we have set  a 12 month time limit of access to fulfill this course starting from the time of your registration.
      • Only disadvantaged women, socially or financially, are accpeted to the course.
      WMA Certificate      

      The Advance Certificate in Maritime Business (MAR-EVA) is open to every WOMAN who is disadvantaged, socially or financially and she is willing to acquire maritime knowledge, irrespective of age, where she leives, educational background or experience.

      Entry to the course is ONLY and STRICLTY open to underprivileged and disadvantaged women, and on these grounds it's open to any woman worldwide, regardless of background, age, or life stage.

      Each application will be carefully considered and canditates will be interviewd by a WMA.


      1. Disadvantaged women, socially or financially;
        • Eligibility Criteria for Disadvantaged Women:
          • Social Criteria: Single mother, Survivor of domestic violence, Refugee or asylum seeker, Living in rural or underserved communities, Victim of human trafficking, Member of a marginalized ethnic or social group, Living with a disability
          • Financial Criteria: Income below the poverty line in home country, Unemployed or underemployed, Dependent on government or social assistance, Lack of access to financial services (e.g., loans bank accounts), Primary or sole provider for household
      1. Access to internet;
      2. English competency;
        • Whilst no formal language competence level qualification is required to attend the course, we are looking for participants that possess an intermediate level of English (B1/B2 Independent User on CEFR).
      3. Submit the Application Form (first read the Instructions - see the link in the Application Form page)
      4. All candidates are interviewed subject to that they provide adequate evidence to support their application. Interviews are taking place, usually from September to October and prior to the commencement of the course.

      100% Online!

      Duration: Up to you! It can range from 6 months up to a maximum of 12 months
      Number of modules: 6
      Fees: $0.00
      Language: English
      Course Tools: 1 module handbook of 100 pages, 5 module handbooks of 50 pages minimum each, video presentations, check your knowledge questions, quiz assessment, extra resources: reports, documents and links; acess to course forum, Course Administrator, Top Instructors, Advisory Team

      100% Online!

      Duration: Up to you! It can range from 6 months up to a maximum of 12 months
      Number of modules: 6
      Fees: $0.00
      Language: English
      Course Tools: 1 module handbook of 100 pages, 5 module handbooks of 50 pages minimum each, video presentations, check your knowledge questions, quiz assessment, extra resources: reports, documents and links; acess to course forum, Course Administrator, Top Instructors, Advisory Team


      The Advance Certificate in Maritime Business (MAREVA), is a significant step towards promoting the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by providing free online education in maritime business, by promoting education and gender equality and empowering individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the maritime industry, thereby fostering economic growth and sustainability.

      Purpose: The MAREVA Course aims to provide essential shipping knowledge necessary for initiating a career in the maritime industry. It targets underprivileged and disadvantaged women, and on these grounds it's open to any woman worldwide, regardless of background, age, or life stage.

      Accessibility: By being an online course, it removes barriers to entry for individuals who may not have access to traditional education or face constraints due to their circumstances. This aligns with the principle of inclusivity, a crucial aspect of achieving the SDGs.

      Content: The course curriculum covers essential aspects of the shipping industry comprehensively. Participants gain practical knowledge that they can apply directly to real-world scenarios. Top women managers, entrepreneurs and academics are delivering the modules free of charge.  This practical approach enhances their understanding and prepares them to navigate challenges in the maritime business.

      Managerial Skills Development: In addition to providing knowledge about the shipping industry, the course focuses on developing participants' managerial skills. This aspect is vital for empowering individuals to take on leadership roles and capitalize on opportunities within the maritime sector.

      Language: The course is conducted and assessed in English, making it accessible to a broader audience globally. Proficiency in English is crucial in the maritime industry, given its international nature, and providing the course in English ensures that participants are equipped with the necessary language skills.


      1. --- The course is offered at no cost to those eligible. Do not add the course on your chart. You must apply for the course only if you are eligible . Check out the course requirements to find out if you are eligible. 

      2. --- Important dates for entry 2025-2026

      • 100 places available for 2025-26
      • starts on the 31st of October 2025
      • deadline for applications: 10th of September 2025
        Supporters: Minoan Lines, The Swedish Club, RINA, Total Marine Solutions, Chios Marine Club, ELNAVI,  WISTA Hellas, TradeMaker Magazine and Women on Top.
      Upon completion the participant will be able to:
      • Acquire solid and fundamental shipping knowledge;
      • Understand the dynamics and drivers of the shipping market;
      • Develop hands on knowledge on core concepts of economic and maritime business environment as well as the fundamental principles of the law governing the carriage of goods by sea;
      • Confidently choose specialization in shipping;
      • Have developed knowledge and skill in order to develop a successful career in shipping.
      1. Ship & Shipping Business (compulsory module)
      2. Shipping Management (compulsory module)
      3. Maritime Economics (compulsory module)
      4. Carriage of Goods by Sea (compulsory module)
      5. Optional Module 1
      6. Optional Module 2
      Participants choose 2 modules from the below modules: Optional Modules 
      1. Shipping Finance
      2. Shipping Law & the Law of the Sea
      3. Port Management
      4. Marine Insurance
      5. Shipping Logistics
      6. Short Sea Shipping
      7. Maritime Environemntal Regualations
      • 6 Module Handbooks
      • Check your Knowledge Questions
      • Quiz exam questions;
      • Course Administrator;
      • Course Instructors, top shipping practitioners that offered their knowledge and expertise free of charge; and
      • Advisory Committee, composed by top women professionals globally.
      plus pass it on and sustainabilty tasks and experiences

      Yunoniia Khussein

      Operations Manager at Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG

      Kit Lim

      Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) & Leaderdship

      Valerie Cannon

      Marine Environment
      Environmental Regulatory Manager for Total Marine Solutions

      Leslie Mezzich

      Managing Director
      Global Maritime Consultants Group (GMCG) Singapore

      ꝉ Ass. Professor Eva Stefanidaki

      Short Sea Shipping
      Assistant Professor at Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport - University of the Aegean

        Dorothea Ioannou

        CEO Shipowners Claims Bureau | Deputy Chief Operating Officer at The American P&I

        Maria Belen Espineira

        Carriage of Goods by Sea
        Abogada Maritimista - P&I Correspondent

        Stine Mundal

        Ship Classification
        Key Account Manager at DNV

        Peg Buchan

        Assistant Port Director Port Everglades

        Wendy Jaramillo

        Shipping Business
        Technical Project Manager at APM Terminals

        Pallavi Sidhra

        Carriage of Goods by Sea
        Business Development Director at Voyager Worldwide

        Nilsu Yildiz Hazer

        Admirlty Law
        Founding Lawyer, Yıldız Legal Avukatlık Bürosu

        Heather Kostecki

        Shipping Business

          Ecem Kalkavan Çubukçu

          Liner Shipping
          General Manager at Turkon Logistics Group

          Seren Sepmaz

          Admiralty Law
          Attorney at Sapmaz Law Firm

          Professor Maria Lekakou

          Short Sea Shipping
          Dean at Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport - University of the Aegean

          Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou

          Information Technology
          President at Electricity Authority of Cyprus | CEO Tototheo Maritime | President WISTA International

          Catrien Scheers

          Logistics & Freight Forwarding
          Chair, Fast Lines

          Akrivi Brikou

          Shipping Finance
          Financial Officer, Efshipping Co SA

          Anna Silva

          Operations Supervisor at Port Everglades

          Despina Kalfa

          Marine Insurance
          GM at Aries Marine Insurance Brokers

          Dr. Katerina Konsta

          • For all our courses there are no fixed course start dates. You can start your course ANYTIME, from ANYWHERE adapting the duration of the course to your needs.
            •  MAR-EVA is an excpetion. The course is delivered on an annual basis and it starts on the 31 of October. 
          • The deadline for the applications of the running year is the 15th of October.
          • Duration
            • The suggested duration for MAR-EVA in order to enjoy the course and be able to fully digest what you learn is 8 months. Still, if you are nto working you can do the course in 6 months. All depends on the time you will spend per week.
            • To make sure that you are supported and you are given the maximum possible time to attend, we have set  a 12 month time limit of access to fulfill this course starting from the time of your registration.
          • Only disadvantaged women, socially or financially, are accpeted to the course.
          WMA Certificate      

          The Advance Certificate in Maritime Business (MAR-EVA) is open to every WOMAN who is disadvantaged, socially or financially and she is willing to acquire maritime knowledge, irrespective of age, where she leives, educational background or experience.

          Entry to the course is ONLY and STRICLTY open to underprivileged and disadvantaged women, and on these grounds it's open to any woman worldwide, regardless of background, age, or life stage.

          Each application will be carefully considered and canditates will be interviewd by a WMA.


          1. Disadvantaged women, socially or financially;
            • Eligibility Criteria for Disadvantaged Women:
              • Social Criteria: Single mother, Survivor of domestic violence, Refugee or asylum seeker, Living in rural or underserved communities, Victim of human trafficking, Member of a marginalized ethnic or social group, Living with a disability
              • Financial Criteria: Income below the poverty line in home country, Unemployed or underemployed, Dependent on government or social assistance, Lack of access to financial services (e.g., loans bank accounts), Primary or sole provider for household
          1. Access to internet;
          2. English competency;
            • Whilst no formal language competence level qualification is required to attend the course, we are looking for participants that possess an intermediate level of English (B1/B2 Independent User on CEFR).
          3. Submit the Application Form (first read the Instructions - see the link in the Application Form page)
          4. All candidates are interviewed subject to that they provide adequate evidence to support their application. Interviews are taking place, usually from September to October and prior to the commencement of the course.

          Course review

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