New MARPOL Amendments Set to Impact Ships Globally

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Come May 1st, 2024, a significant amendment to MARPOL Annex V is poised to reshape the operational protocols for ships navigating international waters. The amendment, initiated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) through Resolution MEPC.360(79), marks a pivotal shift in regulating maritime waste management.

Previously, the obligation to maintain a Garbage Record Book was applicable solely to ships exceeding 400 gross tonnage. However, with the revised regulation, this requirement will extend to vessels of 100 gross tonnage and above. Additionally, ships certified to carry 15 or more individuals engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under another party’s jurisdiction will also fall under this mandate. Notably, this amendment aims to bolster accountability and transparency in waste disposal practices across a broader spectrum of maritime operations.

The modified Regulation 10.3 under Annex V outlines the specifics of this requirement, emphasizing the necessity for a meticulously maintained Garbage Record Book. Whether integrated into the official logbook or implemented as an electronic record book, the prescribed format outlined in Appendix II of the Annex must be adhered to. Furthermore, Regulation 10.3.6 has been updated to mandate the logging of any garbage discharge or accidental loss for ships under 100 gross tonnage directly into their official logbooks.

In addition to these amendments, Resolution MEPC.360(79) introduces new stipulations concerning garbage reception facilities in ports situated within Arctic waters. These measures are designed to mitigate environmental risks in one of the world’s most vulnerable ecosystems.

With the impending enforcement date fast approaching, shipowners and operators are urged to take proactive steps to ensure compliance with the amended regulations. Central to this endeavor is the implementation of a Garbage Record Book aboard affected vessels. The move supports implementation of IMO’s Strategy and Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships.

In light of these amendments, it’s imperative for the maritime industry to embrace these changes wholeheartedly. By fostering a culture of responsible waste management and regulatory adherence, stakeholders can collectively contribute to the preservation of marine ecosystems for generations to come.

New MARPOL Amendments Set to Impact Ships Globally