MEPC 80: Advancing Maritime Environmental Protection

Tomorrow is now.


The 80th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80) is held on July 3-7 July 2023, is a significant event in the maritime industry’s ongoing efforts to ensure sustainable and environmentally responsible practices. MEPC 80, a part of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), brings together global stakeholders to discuss and address crucial challenges related to maritime environmental protection. Held against the backdrop of a changing world with growing concerns about climate change and environmental degradation, MEPC 80 holds the potential to drive important decisions that can shape the future of the shipping industry.

The Role of MEPC

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) established the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) to oversee the development of regulations and guidelines to minimize the maritime industry’s impact on the environment. MEPC works on a variety of issues, including air pollution, ballast water management, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas emissions. With each session, MEPC strives to strengthen existing regulations and develop new measures to meet the evolving challenges facing the maritime sector.

Key Agenda Items at MEPC 80

MEPC 80 addresses a range of critical topics that reflect the industry’s commitment to reducing its environmental footprint:

MEPC 80 agenda
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
    • One of the most pressing issues on the MEPC 80 agenda is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the shipping industry. With the IMO’s initial strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008 levels, MEPC 80 discussions will focus on concrete steps, technological advancements, and operational changes necessary to achieve this ambitious goal.
  • Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII):
    • MEPC 80 evaluates the implementation of measures like the EEXI and CII, which aim to enhance the energy efficiency of existing ships. These measures require ships to meet certain energy efficiency thresholds, incentivizing operators to adopt more sustainable practices.
  • Alternative Fuels and Energy Sources:
    • The committee explores various alternative fuels and energy sources that can replace traditional marine fuels with a lower environmental impact. Innovations in this area are crucial for reducing emissions and promoting a more sustainable future for the maritime industry.
  • Ballast Water Management:
    • MEPC 80 continues its efforts to prevent the spread of invasive aquatic species through regulations on ballast water management. Proper treatment and management of ballast water are essential to maintaining marine ecosystems’ balance and health.
  • Single-Use Plastics:
    • Recognizing the threat posed by marine plastic pollution, MEPC 80 deliberates measures to address single-use plastics’ impact on the marine environment. Such initiatives can contribute to reducing the amount of plastic waste that enters oceans and seas.
The Global Impact

The decisions made at MEPC 80 will reverberate throughout the maritime industry and beyond. Shipping is a backbone of global trade, and its environmental impact carries worldwide consequences. As nations and industries commit to addressing climate change and environmental degradation, the outcomes of MEPC 80 will determine the industry’s role in these broader efforts.

Challenges and Opportunities

While MEPC 80 presents an opportunity for meaningful progress, it also faces challenges. Balancing economic interests with environmental responsibilities can be complex. The adoption of new technologies and practices may involve significant upfront costs and transitional hurdles. However, embracing these changes can lead to operational efficiencies, reduced fuel consumption, and long-term savings.


MEPC 80 is a pivotal event that underscores the maritime industry’s dedication to safeguarding the environment. With its focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving energy efficiency, and addressing critical environmental issues, MEPC 80 demonstrates the commitment of stakeholders to shaping a sustainable future for the shipping sector. As the outcomes of this session unfold, they will reflect not only the industry’s progress but also its willingness to adapt to a changing world and take the necessary steps to protect our oceans and the planet.

Click here for  the ​Revised GHG reduction strategy for global shipping adopted.